Te Mau Himene A Ziona

In 1978, the LDS Church in French Polynesia introduced a new hymn book that was radically different than what had been used in the past. The previous book had no musical notation. Many of the hymns were based on either already accepted LDS hymns, or used the melody of other hymns or even folk songs, set to religious lyrics. Others had original melodies.

These hymns were sung in the typical Polynesian fashion with great love and enthusiasm. When the book was replaced, the hymns were no longer used and many of them have been forgotten.

The recordings were made at the home of Aka Mariteragi in December of 1993, and were recorded in one afternoon with very little preparation. Hymn number 3 is not in the hymn book, and was sung from memory. Number 13 was not sung by the whole group and only one verse was sung.

Many thanks to the singers: TUFARIUA Pepe, TINOMANA Teipo, MAIRE Mateata, MARITERAGI Aka, MAPUHI Viriamu, MARITERAGI Hiro and MARITERAGI Jacqueline.

All recordings Copyright © 2008 James H Shutts

01-No Te Pape Ora (#162)

02-Mori Aratai (#80)

03-E Jesu e a Hio Mai

04-Fare Mori (#23)

05-Tia'i A (#37)

06-Araua'e (#42)

07-No Te Oro'a a te Fatu (#43)

08-Uputa To Te Ra'i (#57)

09-A Rohi (#71)

10-Te Mahana Haavaraa (#72)

11-Eaha ia Tae i Reira (#74)

12-Te Ti'a Nei Au i te O (#197)

13-Ta Iesu Ohipa (#93)

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